The Vaper Among Us

Rigging Gen Z's most popular quarantine game to help teens discover the real-life COVID crew impostors: their friends who still need to get the vapes off their backs


Using the precedent set by the Get The Vape Off Your Back campaign that vaping disrupts your social life, leverage the uniqueness of this point in time to convince Gen Z to stop vaping — because not only is it good for them, it’s good for COVID-stricken society as a whole.


Most of us still have a small social circle we risk exposure for to keep our sanity, and we’re all picky about who makes it into that safety “bubble” — even teens. Yet, someone who vapes could put the only social circle you have left at risk of exposure to COVID-19.

Case Study

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The Vaper Among Us

How do we get Gen-Z to see that vaping makes you an impostor in your own Covid crew?

It turns out, millions of Gen Zers are already skilled at discovering Impostors because of the ever so popular game, Among Us — a “default social platform for young people stuck in quarantine.” So, we’ll frame the problem within the game they already know.

Gameplay Explained

Unfamiliar with Among Us? Here’s how it works: 4-10 players are placed in a space-themed simulation and must complete a series of tasks. The twist?

One of them is secretly an Impostor trying to infiltrate and kill off the other Crewmates before they can finish the tasks. Crewmates must successfully complete the tasks or work together to identify the dangerous Impostor and vote them out to win.

New Vaper Impostor gameplay screen from Among Us

A New Impostor

We’ll partner with InnerSloth to randomly rig gameplay rounds over a 24-hour period by sneaking in a new Impostor, with a “vape on its back”.

Gameplay Changes

Gameplay will continue as usual with a few subtle twists.

Players, unaware of the new changes, will find “positive cases” to report when they stumble upon fallen Crewmates instead of the usual “dead bodies.”

New positive case found gameplay screen from Among UsDead Body found gameplay screen from Among Us
Dead Body Reported gameplay screen from Among UsNew Positive Case Reported gameplay screen from Among Us
Victory gameplay screen from Among Usnewvictory-04
Defeat gameplay screen from Among Usnewdefeat

Victory or Defeat

Once the game reaches victory or defeat, the true Impostor will be revealed by coining a new version of the popularized phrase players and viewers know well: “vapers are sus, vote them out.” The PSA will point out that their sacred Covid crew is at risk if one of them vapes.


We’ll also push the stunt on social channels like Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat. Through short, quippy videos playing off of the interface and language players already know, we’ll reiterate our important PSA that vapers are sus, vote them out.



Even people who don’t play the game are familiar with its characters and inside jokes through all of the Among Us meme content already flooding the internet.

These pieces of content would allow teens to confront their friends in a way that’s familiar to them: calling them out through memes on social platforms.

Twitch Partnerships

With more than 60 million users playing Among Us daily, the message is sure to stick. But to amplify reach, we’ll partner with popular Among Us Twitch personalities HasanAbi and Pokimane to stream their games.

Earned Media Potential

Videos with #AmongUs on TikTok have amassed more than 44.5 billion views already, so let’s get #TheVaperAmongUs trending too.

By partnering with the new social space where millions of 13 to 20 year olds spend this new COVID era, we will depict exactly how easy it is to overlook the danger vaping has on teens’ sacred quarantine bubbles. All while applying social pressure from their peers on those teens who do vape to get the vape off their back.

team icon

Lex Jin Coelho: art director/designer

Bella Courtenay-Morris: copywriter

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One week

(Young Glory competition brief)

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Adobe Illustrator, Premiere Pro & After Effects